Surviving the Stress of Being Sued and Minimizing the Risk That It Will Happen Again
Recorded On: 04/25/2012
- Non-member - $199
- ACCMA Member - Free!
- MIEC Policyholders - Free!
- NSMS Member - Free!
Title: Surviving the Stress of Being Sued and Minimizing the Risk That It Will Happen Again
Friday, April 20, 2012
Free online Webinar
12:30 - 1:45 PM
When faced with the harsh realty of a malpractice lawsuit, many physicians experience anxiety, anger, fear, depression, and other typical reactions known as "litigation stress syndrome." A medical malpractice lawsuit may take from two to six years to resolve, and during that time these reactions can take their toll on a physician, spouse and other family members. There are ways, however, to successfully cope with the trauma of being sued. Topics covered include:
* The anatomy of a lawsuit
* Malpractice litigation stress syndrome
* Coping strategies
* Important "Don'ts for Physicians"
Assn. Members: $0
MIEC Policyholders: $0
Non-Members/Policyholders: $199
Claudia Dobbs, B.A., M.A., is Manager of the Medical Insurance Exchange of California (MIEC) Loss Prevention Department. Ms. Dobbs has been with MIEC since 1992, and before that was a paralegal for Anderson, Galloway & Lucchese, a California law firm specializing in medical malpractice defense. Ms. Dobbs and her staff are responsible for researching current medical-legal issues; performing claims prevention office surveys; presenting seminars; and publishing educational materials.